1.Decision Tree for selecting statistical Procedures

Ritchey, F. (2007). The Statistical Imagination:  Elementary Statistics for the Social Sciences. McGraw-Hill Education. Retrieved from https://book.douban.com/subject/2891895/

cover the statistical imagination

Decision Tree for selecting statistical Procedures



2.Levels of Measurement and Statistical Test

Levels of Measurement and Choosing the Correct Statistical Test


Level of measurement and Statistical test



 3. Online tools for selecting statistical procedures

Statistical Analysis Decision Tree. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2019, from Statistics Solutions website: https://www.statisticssolutions.com/choosing-your-statistical-analysis/
logo statistics solutions

 Neal Van Eck.(2014). The Decision Tree for Statistics. Retrieved November 10, 2019, from : https://www.microsiris.com/Statistical%20Decision%20Tree/


 4. Other resources
Parab, S., & Bhalerao, S. (2010). Choosing Statistical Test. International Journal of Ayurveda Research, 1(3), 187–191. https://doi.org/10.4103/0974-7788.72494
Statistics – Understanding the Levels of Measurement. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2019, from KDnuggets website: https://www.kdnuggets.com/statistics-–-understanding-the-levels-of-measurement.html/
statswithcats. (2010, August 28). The Right Tool for the Job. Retrieved November 10, 2019, from Stats With Cats Blog website: https://statswithcats.wordpress.com/2010/08/27/the-right-tool-for-the-job/
Burrus, S. (2016, October 11). Selecting the Right Statistical Analysis Tool for Your Research. Retrieved November 10, 2019, from https://research.phoenix.edu/blog/selecting-right-statistical-analysis-tool-your-research
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Number of Dependent Variables Nature of Independent Variables Nature of Dependent Variable(s)* Test(s) How to SAS How to Stata How to SPSS How to R
1 0 IVs (1 population) interval & normal one-sample t-test SAS Stata SPSS R
ordinal or interval one-sample median SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical (2 categories) binomial test SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical Chi-square goodness-of-fit SAS Stata SPSS R
1 IV with 2 levels (independent groups) interval & normal 2 independent sample t-test SAS Stata SPSS R
ordinal or interval Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical Chi-square test SAS Stata SPSS R
Fisher’s exact test SAS Stata SPSS R
1 IV with 2 or more levels (independent groups) interval & normal one-way ANOVA SAS Stata SPSS R
ordinal or interval Kruskal Wallis SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical Chi-square test SAS Stata SPSS R
1 IV with 2 levels (dependent/matched groups) interval & normal paired t-test SAS Stata SPSS R
ordinal or interval Wilcoxon signed ranks test SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical McNemar SAS Stata SPSS R
1 IV with 2 or more levels (dependent/matched groups) interval & normal one-way repeated measures ANOVA SAS Stata SPSS R
ordinal or interval Friedman test SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical (2 categories) repeated measures logistic regression SAS Stata SPSS R
2 or more IVs (independent groups) interval & normal factorial ANOVA SAS Stata SPSS R
ordinal or interval ordered logistic regression SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical (2 categories) factorial logistic regression SAS Stata SPSS R
1 interval IV interval & normal correlation SAS Stata SPSS R
interval & normal simple linear regression SAS Stata SPSS R
ordinal or interval non-parametric correlation SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical simple logistic regression SAS Stata SPSS R
1 or more interval IVs and/or 1 or more categorical IVs interval & normal multiple regression SAS Stata SPSS R
analysis of covariance SAS Stata SPSS R
categorical multiple logistic regression SAS Stata SPSS R
discriminant analysis SAS Stata SPSS R
2+ 1 IV with 2 or more levels (independent groups) interval & normal one-way MANOVA SAS Stata SPSS R
2+ interval & normal multivariate multiple linear regression SAS Stata SPSS R
0 interval & normal factor analysis SAS Stata SPSS R
2 sets of 2+ 0 interval & normal canonical correlation SAS Stata SPSS R