logo zotero

Zotero /zˈtɛr/ (http://www.zotero.org/)is a free and open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials (such as PDF files). Features include web browser integration, online syncing, generation of in-text citations, footnotes, and bibliographies, an integrated PDF reader and note editor, as well as integration with the word processors Microsoft WordLibreOffice Writer, and Google Docs. It was originally created at the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, and as of 2021 is developed by the non-profit Corporation for Digital Scholarship.

digital scholar



books on zotero

1. zotero official support (user guide)


       Georgia State University

 Harvard University  https://guides.library.harvard.edu/zotero
 Princeton University  https://libguides.princeton.edu/zotero
 Cambridge University   https://libguides.cam.ac.uk/zotero
 University of Oxford  https://libguides.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/reference-management/zotero
Johns Hopkins University https://browse.welch.jhmi.edu/citation-management/zotero
University of Chicago https://guides.lib.uchicago.edu/zotero
 New York University  https://guides.nyu.edu/zotero 
 University of Michigan  https://guides.lib.umich.edu/zotero


icon video

Brown University  https://libguides.brown.edu/organize/zotero
University of Virginia https://guides.hsl.virginia.edu/citationmanagement/zotero
University of Wisconsin https://libguides.uwlax.edu/zotero
 Georgia State University https://research.library.gsu.edu/zotero
Fairfield University https://librarybestbets.fairfield.edu/zotero
Oregon State University https://guides.library.oregonstate.edu/zotero





Georgia State University  


 zotero Georgia State University

Fairfield University


  zotero fairfield university   


3.zotero official account


zotero storage

4.Zotero plugins and apps




4.1 Zotero Citation Counts Manager

Zotero Citation Counts Manager, by Erik Schnetter.
Look up citation counts from Crossref, Inspire HEP, NASA/ADS, and Semantic Scholar.


 citation count01
citation count02
4.2 zotero google scholar citation count
4.3 zutilo
copy, paste tags of items
4.4 Zotfile
4.6 Notero

Notero is a Zotero plugin for syncing items and notes into Notion. To use it:

  1. 📔 Configure your Notion database.
  2. 💾 Install the Notero plugin into Zotero.
  3. 📁 Choose your Zotero collections to monitor.
  4. 📝 Add or update items in your collections.
  5. 🔄 Watch your items sync into Notion!